Bees are very busy this morning brining in masses of pollen. They have been taking over 1L of 'heavy' syrup each day containing 1Kg sugar, and they must have been doing something with it!
Opening the top of the hive, the bees are busy but not agressive. - There are a lot of them on all frames in the super.
Where previously there had been brood in the central frames of the super, they are now storing honey (syrup) in these frames, and apart from the outside sides, the frames are all drawn and filling with syrup / honey. Hopefully this is a good sign that they will have enough stores for the winter.
Moving down into the brood box, we saw plenty of stores in there too, capped brood, grubs and eventually the queen. - Again, all frames are full of bees - it all looks very much busier even than last week I think.
The girl was helping today and operated the smoker as required. Also held a frame stores from the brood box for the first time which she found very exciting.
There were few signs of queen cells - except those which were partially torn down from previously. - Having seen the queen, and seen signs of laying etc, then I think we conclude all is as well as can be hoped at this stage. - Feeling pretty happy after examination today!
I think we will continue feeding for a little while longer and I will seek advice on when to stop. I'm assuming that the bees will stop taking the syrup when they feel they have had enough but unsure so need to check.
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