I've been working outside nearby the hive today. It's not warm, but it's crept up to about 10C, and it's very still. All of a sudden, there were quite a number of bees emerging from the hive. They seem to be orienting and then flying off. There are returnees too, so they are obviously not suicide missions. Don't know what they are doing, or where they are going! It could be they just wanted to take advantage of the relatively mild weather for a bit of fresh air and a toilet break, or potentially they are hungry? As a precaution, I've ordered some fondant / protein feed - I'm guessing they will only eat this if they are hungry anyhow.
Still monitoring varroa - current drop rate of about 3 per day. I think this is just about acceptable for this time of year.
Monday this week was a social event at the beekeeping association. I was kind of sorry to miss it but didn't feel up to it at the time.
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